Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Healthy" German pancakes

Here's the recipe I texted you guys about. They are really good! My friend just came up with it.

So simple:
4 eggs
1/3 c cottage cheese
1 scoop vanilla protein powder

Blend it all in the blender then pour into a pan and cook like you would a pancake (you will have to experiment with the cooking spray/batter ratio and make them kind of thin) but once they are cooked they seriously taste just like German pancakes!

You can top with fruit and sugar free whipped cream or baked apples and cinnamon... Yum!

Paul and I are making a big effort right now to eat healthier and count calories to get summer-ready and in better shape... And it's not easy! I think this blog could be a great way to share any healthy tips or recipes we have with each other because I know varietybis hard for me, so ill post anything I come across and hopefully you guys can do the same (of course we can still post other yummy stuff too)